Friday, May 17, 2019

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day always makes me happy, happy, happy!

When January hit, I got so dang sad about having to take my Christmas tree down.  So I didn't.  The girls and I turned it into a Valentine's Day tree instead!  We did it one week while Dustin was out of town.  I ordered a bunch of ornaments on Amazon, and when he came home from his trip, our Christmas tree had been transformed into Valentine's tree, and he was basically like, "What the hell is this?"  hahahahaha!  But Eden, Ila, and I LOVED it, and it brought us so much joy!

Eden had to make a Valentine's box for her party at school.

 Ila accessorized me!

Fast forward to the next morning:

It's an elephant!  When I asked her what kind of box we should make, she chose an elephant.  She said an elephant is her favorite animal because it starts with an "e" just like Eden.  I had no idea how to go about making an elephant box, but Pinterest to the rescue!  Oh, and her name was Valentina!

Is there anything sweeter than little kids making Valentines for their classmates?  Both girls were so happy and proud to put together Valentines to pass out.

We also made cookies to pass out to school teachers, gymnastics teachers, dance teachers, etc.

Ila's Valentine's Day party for school was the day before actual Valentine's Day.

 ready to party!

Man, oh man, do these pictures make me miss my boy's curls!!!!!

On actual Valentine's Day, the girls got heart pancakes, flowers from their daddy, and a present from me.  James got a present from me.

James's Christmas pajamas worked perfectly as Valentine's Day pajamas too, haha!

 James and Ila on Valentine's Day, ready to go to Eden's school party with me!

I've struggled all year at Eden's holiday parties with this boy!  Eden's teacher brought him some blocks to occupy him, but after he just started loudly banging them onto the filing cabinet behind him, I had to take them away.  So he screamed.  But then he found carrot sticks on the snack table and got excited.  But then he kept taking them and throwing them away instead of eating them.  So I made him stop.  So he screamed.  So we had to go out in the hall where he could run around.  But I have hope that when Eden is in the 2nd grade, he will be a tad more refined, and it won't be so difficult when we go to her parties!

And there you have our Valentine's Day celebrations!

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