Monday, November 6, 2017

James - Five Months!

This little smile-y boy was five months old as of five days ago.

My FAVORITE, FAVORITE thing is how ticklish he is.  You barely have to touch his tummy and he just starts giggling.  Sometimes just swaddling him at night is enough to set him off and he just goes to laughing.  Big, deep belly laughs.  And I just sit there laughing at him laughing because it's SO FUN!

His laugh and his voice are so deep already, and he loves carrying on conversations.  We sit on the couch, and I tell him all sorts of things, and he responds with deep little coos and yells and giggles.

As you can see in the first picture, he's trying hard to sit up.  When he lays in his lounger, he can pull himself up to sitting, but when I set him on the floor, he lasts about one second before flopping over.

He's teething something fierce.  No teeth yet.  But drool everywhere.  Grabs my hands and chews on my fingers whenever he gets the chance.  Takes his paci out of his mouth and then chews on the sides of it instead of using it properly.  I just ordered him a bunch of teething toys; they should be here soon!

This past month, his biggest milestone is that he started eating food!  We've done sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, apples, and carrots.  Bananas are BY FAR his favorite.  I know because they're the only one he willingly opens his mouth for!  Everything else I have to trick him into.  Usually I do something to make him laugh and then shove the spoon of food in when his mouth opens!  Haha!

He's still a mama's baby!  People always act like it must be a hassle or annoying that he wants ME and only ME.  Um, no.  There will come a day when I'm not the number one person in his life.  You better believe I'm enjoying right now when I am!