Thursday, November 21, 2013

Some November Stuff

When my long-term sub job ended a couple of weeks ago, I was a teensy bit sad.  I had really been enjoying myself, and from what the ladies at the preschool building told me everyday when I went to pick up Eden, she was too!  That twinge of sadness vanished the next morning when we woke up to cooler temperatures, and instead of having to get dressed and go to work, Eden and I curled up on heating pads and under blankets to watch Cinderella.  Now that's what I'm talkin' about!  As much as I enjoyed my time teaching again, I am truly happiest just being Eden's mom right now. 

On my last day, when I went to go pick Eden up, the lovely preschool ladies gave me this:

I LOVE IT SO MUCH!  The manger is obviously Eden's little footprint, but Jesus' body is Eden's two thumbprints, and His head is her fingerprint.  How cool is that?  They made them for all the kids to give to the parents for Christmas, and I think it is so unbelievably sweet that they took the time to do one for me and Eden.

My mom gave Eden tons and tons of STICKERS for Halloween, and she has been making beautiful masterpieces.  Then I put them on the fridge and take pictures.

she's so cute!
We went to the Children's Museum one day, and I love comparing pictures of her there now to pictures of her when we first started going a year ago.  She was soooo little, not even walking yet, and I had to protect her from all the big kids.  Now she's one of the big kids, and I have to protect the little babies from her!

 It got really, really, really cold one day.

Since cold weather doesn't last long here, we had to take advantage of it, and we took Eden on her first trip to a deer stand!

Sitting in a deer stand, even with no intention of actually hunting, is one of my most favorite things to do.  It's so peaceful.

After a while, we got out and told Eden to go get the deer, and she took off!

Dustin came home one day with a camouflage shirt and jacket for Eden.  It was so cute!  He told me it was boy stuff, because he looked at the girl stuff, and it wasn't gonna work for him.  No pink camo allowed in this house!

Eden got herself a new little cousin, and it was love at first sight.

Dustin and I went to a Texans game (and watched them LOSE... AGAIN!) with some friends while Eden had a fun day over at her Poppa James and Susie's house.  I wanted a family picture before we left.

I took Eden to the park yesterday, and when we got to the swings, she wanted NOTHING to do with the baby swing.  Only the big kid swing for her!

On the way out of the park, there were some pretty flowers.  I asked Eden to sit down in front of them so I could take her picture.

I should have been more specific.

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