Thursday, May 31, 2012

Four Years

Four years ago today, I married my best friend.  No really, I did!  To be honest, I get kinda annoyed when people always say they married their best friend.  I feel like it's just something people say these days.  Dustin and I didn't get together and then I decided that he was my best friend.  Dustin really was my best friend for about two years before we ever started dating.

Somewhere in the course of our best friendship, Dustin decided he was in love with me.  I told him he wasn't, I told him he was crazy, I refused to listen to him.  I told him that it would ruin our friendship if we dated.  For nine months he didn't give up.  He begged me to go out with him, he told me over and over that he loved me, he sent me flowers, blah, blah, blah.

After a while, I thought maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.  I remember wondering why I was fighting it so bad.  I remember thinking, "Hey, he's my best friend!  I could seriously date my best friend.  We could have so much fun!  One day I could marry my best friend, and isn't that like the best thing ever?"

So I gave him his chance.  I called him one night in May and told him that I loved him too.  We dated for three years and then got married.

It has NOT been easy!  I knew marriage was going to be hard.  That's what everyone tells you.  Nobody told me just how hard!  We've had our ups, we've had our downs.  I've had days when I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world, I've had days when I thought I would murder him. 
But even on the days that I've hated him, I still loved him.  He's my best friend, the person I tell everything to, my rock, my big ol' teddy bear, my husband, Eden's daddy.  He's my everything.

I love my husband for lots of reasons.  These days I love him because he loves his baby girl so much.  And I'm looking forward to many, many more years and adventures and reasons to love him.  The best man at our wedding finished his toast by saying, "When you look back on this day, I hope it's when you loved each other the least."  I can honestly say that four years later, I do love my husband more than I did on our wedding day.

All those bad times that we've had just make the good ones that much sweeter.

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