Friday, May 18, 2012

Eden - Four Months

Four months.  Really?  Geez! 

Well my four month old is one happy baby today!  She's always happy... but for some reason today she is HAPPY!  So happy that it was REALLY HARD to get this picture!  She kept flailing around and squirming off the mat while laughing uncontrollably!  She is just laughing away as I sit here typing this.  It makes my heart feel oh so good.

And even though she's getting older, she's still a teensy little thing!  She's still wearing her 0-3 month clothes.  That's great because we had A LOT of clothes!  When I set up her closet I really thought there would be no way she would ever get to wear them all, but here we are going into month 5 still wearing them!

On Wednesday I got to teach my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders one more time.  After Eden was born, I asked the girl who has filled in for me if she would please take a day off so that I could come see the kids (without Eden) and teach again.  I had a wonderful time!  It was SO NICE to be back in the classroom talking and teaching and just doin' my thing!  But as wonderful as it was, I missed Eden terribly, and it just made me realize that I made the right decision in not going back in April and finishing the schoolyear like I originally was going to do.  I'll go back to teaching one day, but right now I'm just going to enjoy my baby!

And I'm REALLY EXCITED because Dustin and I are going to take Eden swimming this weekend!  I can't wait to get her little swimmy suit back on her and plunk those little chunky legs into the water!  :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the 4-6 month age with Eden, it is one of the most precious ages with a little baby. What a sweet picture.
    ristin Grayson
