Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Tiny Baby is Getting Bigger and A Bathing Disaster

At some point last night, Eden outgrew her premie diapers.  I'm not sure how that happened so quickly!  When I got her dressed for bed around 7, they fit.  At 2 am I just couldn't seem to get them on, and we graduated up to newborn diapers.  I know this is good... babies are SUPPOSED to grow!  But I can't help but be a little sad.  Will I be like this every time we move up a diaper size?

Along with getting bigger, she's staying awake longer and longer and becoming more alert.  Which is really fun.  She loves to lay on her lamb mat and kick her little feet and make all sorts of cooing noises.  It's adorable.  Ok ok, I guess it's not all bad her getting bigger... I know we're gonna have so much fun in the weeks and months to come as she becomes more aware of things!


On Sunday night, Eden had her first little bath.  It was a disaster!  Up until Sunday, all I had done is wash her little head or her hands as I was getting her dressed for bed.  But I decided on Sunday evening that it was time for her first full-blown, get the baby naked sponge bath.  I got out her little foam froggy to lay her on.  It started out well, and she was very calm as I soaped her up with a washrag.

But then she decided to pee everywhere. 

Me:  What do I do?!

I pick up my soapy, covered-in-pee daughter.

Dustin: Now what?
Me:  I don't know... Turn on the kitchen sink!

I stuck Eden under the running water to rinse her off, and SHE SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER!  Poor thing!  She was bright red, I mean BRIGHT RED from the tips of her toes to her ears SCREAMING!  I had no idea she was even capable of being that loud!

Poor first children... there's no telling what all they're subjected to as their parents try to figure out what the heck they're doing!

Let's just hope Eden starts liking water a little bit more before her Baptism rolls around!

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