Friday, October 25, 2019

James Goes to Big Boy School!

Today, I subbed at the girls' school, in Ila's building, for one of the four year old classes.

When they called to ask earlier this week if I could sub, I said yes, if I could bring James with me.  When the girls were younger, before they went to school, whenever I would sub, they were allowed to come and stay in the two year old class for the day.  So I asked if James could do the same thing.

Now even though I'm the one who asked if James could come with me, I was pretty nervous about him being there.  He's pretty unpredictable.  Would he scream?  Bite another child?  (He bites us!)  Run around and refuse to sit in his chair?  Throw a tantrum?  (A daily occurrence around here.)  But I really wanted to see how he would act in a school setting, around other children!

Ila was THRILLED when I told her the news.  She was partly excited because I would be at her school, but she was over the moon that JAMES would be at her school.

(In the days leading up to today, she told me exactly what I would need to do for the four year old class.  She explained to me how snack time worked, what the names of the kids in my class would be, what letter they are currently learning, etc.  So very typical of Ila, love that child!)

Now normally, in the mornings, Ila is hard to wake up.  She's the one who doesn't want to get up, and I literally have to pick her up and put her on the ground to get her out of bed in the mornings.  Not today.  When I walked into her room to get her up this morning, she was already half-dressed and in the BEST MOOD.  And do you know what she said?

"I bet Mrs. Carlin is SO excited about today!"

Mrs. Carlin is the two year old teacher, aka James's teacher for the day.  That absolutely MELTED me!  To know that Ila loves her brother so much that she just KNEW the teacher was as excited as she was about him being there!

And James did great!  He didn't bite any other children!  He sat in his chair!  He painted a picture!  He LOVED IT!  Occasionally I saw him as we were walking down the hall to different activities, and when he would spot me, he would shout "Mama!" and run to me!  I would pick him up and hug him, but then tell him that he needed to go back and be with his friends, and he would happily run back to his class!  It was the cutest, sweetest thing!

It was a fun day, seeing Ila at school, James getting to go to school... A great day!

As soon as we got home, without me saying a word, Ila took the paper that James painted and thumb-tacked it to the bulletin board where I display Eden and Ila's schoolwork.  So precious!

I snapped a quick picture as we were walking into the building.  
It is COLD today!  He's wearing his Astros jersey under his jacket.  GO 'STROS!

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