Saturday, October 5, 2019

It's Pumpkin Time!

It's still HOT, HOT, HOT here in Texas, but the sun is shining differently, the mornings are a tad crisper, and the nights come earlier.  We have a countdown to Ila's birthday on her bedroom door (five more days), the fair is around the corner, and the grocery store has pumpkins everywhere you turn.  (As we walk through the store each week, James screams, "MORE PUMPKINS!  MORE PUMPKINS!" the entire time.)  Our mantle is decorated with flickering orange and purple lights, and we listen to the Halloween station on Pandora every time we are in the car.  Eden and Ila's Halloween costumes are in (still don't have one for James), and I'm anxiously awaiting the first cool front so I can make a big pot of soup!  It may literally be 96 degrees outside right now, but the spirit of fall is in the air!

This morning I took the kids to the St. Mary's Pumpkin Patch.

This is James's third visit to the pumpkin patch, but it's the first year he's old enough for face painting (although he insisted his dinosaur be on his hand) and pumpkin painting.

 Here's to sweaters, chili, and cozy, movie nights!  Let's do this, fall!

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