Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October Hath Arriveth!

My goodness, it's October!

I broke out the Halloween pjs on Sunday, the last day of September.

While Dustin watched the Texans game on Sunday afternoon, I got out the glitter and modpodge and let the girls make glitter pumpkins for their rooms.  Then we made a bat banner to hang at the breakfast table.  I traced the bats, Eden cut them out, and Ila put the eyes on.  It was a good way to bring in October, and the girls get so excited when they're involved in the decorating!

Before starting this post, I looked back to see when my last post was.  August.  Ha!  For some silly reason, I thought that once Eden and Ila were at school, I would be able to keep up with this more!  I swear, every single week I feel like I have a billion things going on.  And in my head, I'm all, "Well once I get past this week, I should be good to go next week."  But then the next week comes, and a billion things to do come with it!

Eden and Ila have settled into school nicely.  Every single day after school when I ask Eden how her day was, she says, "FANTASTIC!"  It took Ila a little while to realllllyyy like school.  There were usually tears every morning that she had go for the first couple of weeks.  She only goes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and every night she would ask me, "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" But after a while that turned into, "Do I GET to go to school tomorrow?"  She's now happy and excited on school days!  The preschool has themed days throughout the year, and so far Ila's had "Friendship Day", "Rainbow Day', and "Circus Day".  Here she is after school on "Circus Day":

Extra-curriculars started back up in September, and the girls have gymnastics on Tuesdays and dance on Wednesdays.  They asked Eden to be on the pre-team for gymnastics this year, and she's really excited about that!  For dance, they're both still doing ballet and tap, and Eden has added a leaps and turns class where she gets to work on her technique.  In addition, Eden does swim clinics about once or twice a month on Fridays.  I decided that horseback riding lessons are going to be a summer only thing for us from now on.  I want us to all be together as a family and eat dinner together at the table as much as possible!

James is his usual feisty self!  :)  He still doesn't walk more than about five steps at a time and prefers crawling, but man is he a talker!  He talks all day long.  My favorite is when he's trying to find the cat.  He crawls around yelling, "IIII-ERRRR!  IIII-ERRRR!" for Tiger.

We have fun on the days it's just me and him, and we have fun on the days Ila is home with us.

Another giant thing happening in our lives right now is our house remodel.  Well, I call it a remodel, but it's more of an addition.  We added on a carport, and then upstairs we are turning the "bonus room" and all the attic space into a bedroom and bathroom for James, a game room, a craft room for me, a guest room, and a movie room.  We are so excited, and it's going to be so amazing when it's all done, but for now, everything around here is a complete disaster.  My house is filthy ALL THE TIME, and no matter how often I try cleaning up after the workers, there always seems to be a layer of dust over everything.  I'm trying to see the big picture, but for somebody who likes everything to be neat and clean and organized all the time, I can't help but be pretty stressed out about it all!

Ila will be four in just a few more days.  I can't believe it.  Four is big.  Four is a kid.  Four is not a baby or a toddler.  Four is practically a grown-up!  She is SO EXCITED!

On Sunday, I told Eden and Ila that it was the last day of September and asked them if they knew what month was coming.  Eden went through it in her head and then announced, "October!"  Ila immediately started shouting, "MY BIRTHDAY!  MY BIRTHDAY!"  We aren't having an official birthday party for her this year, but we have lots of fun stuff planned for her over the next couple of weeks!

A couple of my favorite things they've said lately:

On the way home from school on Friday, I was asking Eden about her day and I asked her what she did during recess.

Eden: I built an altar.
Me: uhh... Do you even know what an altar is?
Eden:  Yes.  It's a place where you worship God!
Me:  What did you do at your altar?
Eden:  Well, first I looked at it for a while because I was impressed with it.  Then I praised the Lord!  Then I went to play!

I was so tickled by that!!!

Then during dinner the other night, Ila asked me if she had to go to school on her birthday.  Her birthday falls on a Wednesday, and as I was telling her yes, I was worried that she was going to be upset about that!  But then she said, "GOOD!  Because when it was Harper's birthday at school, she got to wear a crown, and I want to do that too!"

And now I'm signing off so that I can pack up dance stuff and get ready for a long evening of sitting at the dance studio entertaining James!

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