Friday, February 28, 2014


We got completely out of our routine during all of the chaos surrounding Christmas and Eden's birthday, but this month, we got back into a schedule.

Our current weekly routine:

On Monday mornings, I've started working as Dustin's secretary.  Eden either goes to Susie's or to my grandma's.  Dustin is great at his job, but terrible at the paperwork behind it, so my dad asked if I could help him out.  Since I could seriously win awards for my organizational skills, this is right up my alley.  Making folders and filing papers makes me really happy!  Seriously.  I'm kinda a loser like that.  And Dustin and I have only gotten into a couple hundred fights since I started a month ago over how things should be done!  Hooray for us!

Tuesdays are the best day!  It's gymnastics day!  I waited patiently for TWO YEARS to sign Eden up for gymnastics.  Gymnastics was a HUGE part of my childhood.  Actually gymnastics WAS my childhood.  So signing Eden up was a very big and exciting deal.  Dustin wants to make sure I don't force it on her, and I've assured him that anytime she wants to quit and pursue another activity, she's more than welcome to.  And I'll only cry a little bit.  Kidding.  Maybe.  For now though, I think it's safe to say that SHE LOVES IT!

LOVES IT, LOVES IT, LOVES IT!  Her little leotard was a birthday gift from her Bubba and Aunt Audrey.

As soon as we walk through the door to the gym on Tuesday mornings, she RUNS to give hugs to the other little girls in her class.  I think back to all the friends I made through gymnastics when I was younger and how close we all were even though we all went to different schools, and I can't help but wonder if these little girls are going to be some of Eden's best friends one day.  Not that I'm completely invested in this gymnastics thing or anything.  She can totally quit if she wants to.  Really, Dustin.


We do the weekly grocery shopping after gymnastics, and Eden gets so excited to go to the grocery store.  She is just like her daddy!

Wednesdays are for story time at the library, playing at the park and then having lunch with Dustin.

On Thursday mornings, I've joined a Bible Study for moms.  They have childcare available for the kids, and to be honest, I actually signed up just so Eden could be in a little class and get to play with other kids her age.  Now that I've gone a few times though, I love it so, so much and look forward to it.  We're studying the book of Ephesians, and I leave each time feeling so uplifted.  But also, it's so nice to spend time with other stay-at-home moms.  They freaking get me!  Eden, my little social butterfly, has a blast with the other two year olds during those two hours.  She is so outgoing, and it just baffles me that I could give birth to somebody so social.  The very first time I dropped her off at the door, she gave me a hug, said "bye-bye" and ran to join the other kids.  When I walked into the room to join the other women, they were so concerned with how Eden handled me leaving her on her first day, and I was like "Um, fine, she didn't care that I was leaving at all."  Me when I was that age?  That would have NEVER happened.  When I was four, they actually told my mom to quit bringing me to preschool because all I did was cry all day.  Even now at the age of twenty-seven, it was hard for ME to walk into the Bible study class where I knew NOBODY.  I almost had myself talked out of it three times that first morning.  When it was over, I had to make phone calls to both Dustin and my mom letting them know that I was able to do it!

Nothing planned for Fridays - just a whole day to play with my girl!

This has been a good month.  For the most part, it was warm.  It's amazing how much happier I am when it's sunny and warm outside.  I'm sure I'm being dramatic, but I totally think I had Seasonal Affective Disorder last month!  I wouldn't last five minutes up north.

My mom came to visit a couple of weeks ago, and she and my grandma went with me and Eden to gymnastics.  Afterwards, we took Eden to The Children's Museum.  I can tell that The Tot Spot doesn't hold the same appeal for her that it did just a few months ago.  She's now big enough for Kidtropolis - a little city complete with a grocery store, bank, vet, cafe, etc.  Eden went grocery shopping.  Of course.

When I was little, we had actual grocery carts.  I would like to know what idiot decided to get rid of the carts and bring in teeny-tiny little baskets instead!  You can't have teeny-tiny little baskets if you're going to have regular sized cartons of eggs and orange juice!  Stupid!  Eden overflowed three baskets!  Bring back the carts!

Eden has two new obsessions these days in addition to her ongoing love for stickers and all things Minnie Mouse.  One of them is dinosaurs.  It started when my aunt gave her a dinosaur piggy bank (dinosaur bank?) for her birthday.

Then my cousin gave her a giant reusable sticker pad that had one page completely devoted to dinosaurs, and the obsession grew.  She went around "rawr"ing all over the house, and a few weeks ago when I let her choose a new toy for Daisy at the grocery store, she went straight for the squeaky dinosaur.

So after The Children's Museum, we took Eden to The Museum of Natural Science so she could see the dinosaurs.

I wasn't sure if she was going to understand that these giant bones were dinosaurs, but she said "rawr" a few times while looking around.  I told her they were dinosaurs, and whether or not she truly got it, she was fascinated by these giant things all the same.  I think her favorite part though was getting a dinosaur toy from the museum gift shop.

photography by Eden
Then we visited The Butterfly Room.

Eden slept good that night.

The second obsession is band aids.  Eden has many invisible "owies" every day.

Two year olds definitely make life fun and interesting.

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