Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yayyyy, it's one of my favorite days of the year!  I know there are a lot of people out there who hate Valentine's Day... but I'm definitely not one of them.  I love the story of St. Valentine, and I love wearing pink, decorating with hearts, and getting flowers.  It's such a happy day.

Eden and I have spent a lot of time this week making Valentine's Day cookies.  When I told her on Tuesday that we were going to make cookies, she ran to the pantry and got out the oats.  Oatmeal cookies are, by far, my favorite cookie, and I obviously make them a lot.  She was confused when I told her we didn't need oats, we were making SUGAR cookies.  I can only handle sugar cookies if I draw it out over a couple of days, so on Tuesday, we just made the dough.  As always, Eden helped me dump all the ingredients into the mixer and then said, "round, round, round, round..." while it was going.

On Wednesday, we made the cookies.  And SOMEBODY kept eating all the dough.

I was very impressed with Eden.  She cut out some hearts all by herself, picked them up, and put them on the cookie sheet.

Eden kept watch while the cookies were baking.

I SWEAR my oven door does not look that dirty in real life!
Just the same, I cleaned it after I saw this photo.

In the middle of making cookies, my grandma called, and I let Eden answer the phone.  "Hewwo?"  Then Eden proceeded to have a conversation, most of which I couldn't understand.  Something was "gone-gone."  I heard Granny tell her bye, and Eden said, "bye-bye" and gave me the phone.  WHEN DID SHE GET SO BIG?

After the cookies had cooled, Mama glazed and Baby sprinkled.

Yesterday, I helped Eden (or Eden helped me) make gift tags for the cookies.  I pointed to where she should put the sticker letters, and she was KINDA able to do it.  Then I bagged them up!

Then today, Eden and I spent the morning going around delivering our cookies.

We left my grandparents' house with a giant unicorn.

Eden also got flowers from her Auntie Kate.

They're on the ground so that she can go smell them whenever she wants.  Which has been approximately two hundred times so far.

When Eden wakes up from her nap, we have plans to watch Minnie-rella (her Valentine's Day gift from me and Dustin - and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm really excited about watching it), and then Dustin and I are going to have ourselves a hot date this evening.

And to make this day even better?  IT'S WARM AND SUNNY OUTSIDE!

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