Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Yesterday morning we woke up to a cold, windy day.  Finally!  Unfortunately, I was too sick to care.  All three of us were sickies yesterday.  Eden, who was back to normal on Saturday and Sunday, woke up on Monday with a runny nose and another slight fever.  Dustin and I were miserable right along with her.  In anticipation of the cold front, we had invited friends over days ago for chili, hot chocolate, football watching and a fire.  Yesterday morning I uninvited them, traded the chili for chicken noodle soup and had ice cream instead of hot chocolate for my sore throat.  (oh, the irony!) 

Today I'm feeling much better (though I can't say the same for the rest of my family).  The first thing I did this morning when I came downstairs was make marshmallows to get ready for my hot chocolate.  Marshmallows are one of my most favorite things to make - they're so easy, they're soooo much better than the store bought kind, and they're fun!

Eden always plays in the freezer while I cook.  It's the only way I can get anything in the kitchen done.  I'm not sure what's so exciting about it, but all I have to do is open the door, she lets out a little excited gasp, crawls on over as fast as she can, and is completely occupied while I do my thing.

Once the marshmallows were done, Eden continued on with her daily routine.  Every morning Eden likes to torment Max.  Max lets her crawl all over him and steal his bed, but he's NOT happy about it.

We also made this over the weekend:
I saw it on Pinterest (of course).  They never tell you on Pinterest just how hard something is to do though.  It took THREE people to hold Eden down.  Yep, it was Eden versus me, my dad and my stepmom.  It took many tries, we had to wipe the plate off many times and start again, but in the end we were victorious! 
Eden's little feet prints are just being captured all over the place.  A few days earlier, my dad had a concrete slab poured at his house and Eden got her handprints and feetprints done there too. 
Baby Girl is going to be walking before I know it.  She has this little dinosaur toy that was handed down to us that she LOVES.  She hasn't figured out how to turn it though, so she just walks until she runs into something and then looks at me and waits for me to come turn her, and then off she goes until she runs into another wall or piece of furniture or in this case my house shoes.
Dustin keeps making fun of my house shoes and calling me an old lady.  He's just jealous because he doesn't have any.
Eden got really good at walking with her dinosaur over the weekend.  Dustin got home on Sunday night from a hunting trip while Eden was in the bathtub.  I was so excited to show him how good she was though, so I got her out of the tub and stood her naked little self at the toy.  And off she went.  I have NEVER seen anything cuter ever in my whole life than her little nakey booty walking around the living room on that toy.  We're talkin' so cute that I thought my heart was going to explode.  And I swear she knew I was trying to show her off - she had a little swagger in her walk and kept glancing over to grin at Dustin.  Ah, I wish I would have had the video camera going. 
A few months ago, Dustin cut into an avocado to find the seed had rooted.  We decided to plant the seed and see what happened.  I watered it for a few weeks and then eventually forgot about it.  But lo and behold, just recently it popped up through the soil.  I'm so excited, and I had to bring it in last night because of below-freezing temps.
We should have some avocados in about 5 billion years.
Dustin put Christmas lights up in Eden's room, and I think that's the sweetest thing ever!
I finally drank my hot chocolate tonight while watching a movie with Dustin.  He's relieved because now maybe I'll shut up about my dang hot chocolate. 
And my Christmas tree makes me so happy that I burst into a Christmas song every time I walk by it.  I don't think there's any time of the year that I enjoy more.  At night, when all the other lights are off except for the glowing lights coming from the tree, I want to cry because it makes me so happy.  That's probably weird.  But true. 
And also, my baby is really cute.  Even with a runny nose and puffy eyes.

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