Thursday, October 18, 2012

Eden - Nine Months

I remember the first few months that I took these pictures.  Eden would just lie there perfectly content, and I could leisurely take twenty pictures and go through them later to choose my favorite.  HA!  I actually broke a sweat trying to get a good picture this month.  It was practically a wrestling match.  Most of the pictures were of her back, and after I finally managed one of her front, I said, "Good enough!"  Well, I did get one other one of her face... I had given her a toy to play with so that she would stay on her back, and then I thought I could just snatch it away really fast and snap a picture.  Dumb.  This is what I got:

"Mama, why you take my toy?"

When I was pregnant, nine months was FOREVER!  I thought it would never pass!  Then Eden was born, and I blinked, and she turned nine months.  So unfair!

Eden is finally starting to crawl up on her hands and knees.  I was really wondering if she ever would or if she would just go from army crawling to walking.  She still army crawls most of the time though, and even when she crawls for real, for real, when she decides she wants to go fast, she drops down to her little belly to army crawl again.  It's the cutest little thing.

Naturally at nine months, she is into EVERYTHING and pulling up on EVERYTHING.  She always wants to be standing.  And then she forgets that she can't stand on her own and lets go and falls, and she is covered in bruises.  I know this happens to all babies, but I still can't help being a little embarrassed when we go places and she has bruises all over her forehead... like someone is going to call me out for being a bad mom or something!

She says "mama" and "dada", but she says "mama" more which makes my heart sing. =)  She loves her daddy though and gets really excited when he comes home from work.  I hold her when he comes through the door, and she kicks, kicks, kicks those little legs until he takes her and she can snuggle against him.

She's a mama's baby through and through though, and separation anxiety has kicked in full force.  If I am not in her line of sight, it is not good!  But I love it!  I don't know why there are moms out there that complain about that stage... As far as I'm concerned, there is no greater feeling in the world than your baby wanting you and ONLY you.

And this blog post is going to be cut off abruptly now because Eden is stirring from her nap, and I need to get dressed to go out to dinner later before she is completely awake and ready to go!  Adios!  =)


  1. I loved reading the part about how she kicks her little legs until Dustin takes her. Do Drake and Max still wait in the driveway for him? All of that must really make Dustin feel special when he comes home from work at the end of the day........
    PS ... you had bruises too. you didn't crawl until 8 mos. and you were walking by 9. she could surprise you any time!

  2. I know it's hard to have your baby ever get hurt ... but it's going to happen. Even if you are right there to catch her the minute she falls, she'll still fall at times. The only way to prevent that is to never allow her to do anything on her own, and if you never allow her to do anything on her own, she'll never learn. You are a wonderful mommy .... do not worry about a little bruise here or there. She's learning. She's daring. She's adventurous. Those are all GOOD qualities for her to have.
