Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eden - Seven Months (and one day)

Eden had a busy day yesterday.  She tagged along with me to the grocery store, a baby shower, out to eat Mexican food with some friends and then to my grandparents' house for my brother's birthday dinner.  When we finally got home last night she was NOT in the mood for pictures.  We had to wait until this morning to take her seven month picture instead.  She doesn't look like she's too happy in this picture either... she was; she was watching and laughing at Dustin.  But my timing with the camera was obviously off. 

This is absolutely my favorite age so far with Eden.  She just keeps on getting better!  SHE IS SO MUCH FUN!  She's exhausting... but FUN!  She has yet to get up on her knees to crawl, but she army crawls and pulls herself from place to place with the greatest of ease.  She's lighting quick.  I spend all day following her around because she seems to have zero interest in any of the toys that I've bought her, but she has a fascination with the cat water bowl.  And it's amazing what her teeny-tiny fingers are able to find on the floor and put in her mouth.  As soon as I feed the dogs in the evenings, I blink, and she's suddenly right there in the middle of them trying to get the food from their bowls.  So I think my days of actually accomplishing anything are over for a while.  I'm afraid to take my eyes off of her for even a minute!  She's also become the world's shortest napper.  I'm lucky if her morning nap lasts twenty minutes.  I run around like a madwoman in those twenty minutes... practically brushing my teeth while unloading the dishwasher and sweeping the floors.

It rained last night and today was just a gray, dreary day.  When you looked out the window, it actually felt like it might be cold outside.  (It wasn't... it is still August in Texas.)  But it was just one of THOSE days... Dustin and I decided to make it a lazy day.  It was wonderful.  Together we made a big pot of beef soup.  We laid around watching TV while Eden kept herself entertained with empty water bottles (again... why do I buy toys?).  We baked cookies, and then this evening the three of us all took a nap together.  Eden right there between me and Dustin.  It was bliss. 

We are rested and ready for the week.  =)

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