Thursday, May 22, 2014

Eden Has Some News

It's been so long since I've written a blog post that most everybody already knows this, but...

(dogs in the background of my pictures always!)

Yep!  We're having another baby!  And we just found out this week that...

Another beautiful baby girl to join our family.  I've already been going around saying things like "my girls", and I LOVE IT!

Here she is:

A princess already.  And some hearts so you can't see where I go to the doctor just in case you're a psycho stalker.

Here's Eden when we found out that she was a girl.  All of this baby stuff has me all nostalgic for Baby Eden, and I keep going back to look through all of her baby things.  I've been comparing their ultrasounds - like I can really tell if this new little girl looks like Eden or not based on these two pictures.

My girls.  My daughters.  My little princesses.

As I've already written about before, getting pregnant doesn't exactly come easy for me.  It wasn't easy with Eden, and it wasn't this time either.  It sucks.  But how grateful I am that even though it may be more difficult for me than for most, I CAN get pregnant.  God is good.  He has His reasons for making me wait.  I feel that I appreciate this experience so much more than I would have had I gotten pregnant easier.  And His timing is always perfect even when I don't see that at first.  After many trips to the doctor, lots of fertility drugs that made me sick, more ovulation tests than I care to remember, and over a year of prayers that went, "Please dear God, please let us have another baby", here we are, and even though I thought I wanted my kids closer in age, I see now that Eden will be at the most perfect age when she welcomes her little sister.  You would think by now that I would've learned that God knows exactly what He's doing, but I always seem to forget to trust Him.

I thought I was excited when I was pregnant with Eden.  But I'm more excited this time.  Now don't take that the wrong way.  It is BECAUSE of Eden that I'm more excited this time.  When I got pregnant with her, I was happy and I was excited and I imagined how amazing everything was going to be.  And then she was actually born, and she blew me away, and she was even BETTER than anything I could've possibly imagined.  This time, I know just how awesome this experience is going to be.  I cannot wait for that magical birth day and to once again hold a tiny baby against me and breathe in her scent.  To witness first coos and giggles and words and steps.  And then watch as she enters the wonderful world of toddler hood.  Not only that, I can't wait to share this experience WITH Eden.  I can't wait to see her hold her little sister for the first time and love her and kiss her, and I know she's going to insist on "helping" with every part of it.  There are no words to describe how wonderful it is going to be.

Everybody keeps asking what Eden thinks of the whole thing.  I don't think Eden really gets it.  When I first told her that there was a baby in my tummy, she thought she had a baby in HER tummy too.  She would look down her shirt to try and find it.  Now though, when you ask her where the baby is, she points to my tummy, but I know she has no idea what that really means.

And no, we are absolutely not upset that we're having another girl.  When we told people I was pregnant, so many people made the comment that we must want a boy this time.  Um, no, we just wanted another baby.  I had absolutely no preference.  In fact, when I was laying on the table earlier this week waiting to hear the ultrasound tech say "boy" or "girl", I couldn't decide which one I wanted more.  I imagined her saying "boy", and I was over the moon excited imagining a little baby boy and how fun that would be.  Then I imagined her saying "girl", and I was over the moon excited imagining another little girl and how fun that would be too.  At one point, I thought how great it would be if she just said, "SURPRISE!  It's actually twins, and there's one of each!"  (Actually, if she would have REALLY said that, I would've freaked!)  I did not care which word she was going to blurt out because either way, it's the best thing ever.  And no, Dustin is not upset either.  I'm pretty sure he can take girls hunting and fishing just as easily as he can take boys, and if anyone were to see how much he absolutely loves and adores Eden, they would know that he is perfectly happy with little girls.

After we found out that Eden was a girl, we stopped at HEB, picked out a blank cake, asked the person behind the counter to write "It's a Girl!" and we went straight from the grocery store to my grandma and grandpa's house where everyone was waiting to hear the news.  This time I was actually going to have a fancy (not realllllyyy fancy, but fancier than a grocery store cake) cake made at an actual bakery ahead of time, and after we found out the gender, I was just going to have them fill in "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" in the appropriate color when we went to pick it up.  I wasn't expecting to find out the gender for another month, so I was really surprised when my doctor asked me on Tuesday if we wanted to go ahead and find out that day.  Um, of course I did.  And I suppose I could have waited a couple of days and still ordered a fancier cake to announce the gender with, but I am not a patient person, and I felt that my family needed to know approximately .4 seconds after I did.  So I once again just ran to HEB and picked out a blank cake.  The best they had was a white cake with lots of different colored icings around the edges.  This is the conversation I had with the lady behind the counter who apparently did NOT speak good English.

Jenni: Can you please write "It's a Girl" on this cake with pink icing?
Lady: We don't have pink icing.
Jenni: But there's pink icing on the cake.

See:  pink icing

Lady: I will check for you.  So you want it to say "Happy Birthday"?
Jenni: No, "It's a Girl".
Lady: Right, but "Happy Birthday"?
Jenni: What?  No.  I want it to say "It's a Girl".
Lady: What do you want on the cake?
Jenni: I'm confused.  Are you asking what I want written on the cake?
Lady: Yes
Jenni: "It's a Girl".
Lady: Oh.

And then she wrote it in black?  Navy?  Definitely not pink or a girl color.

Oh well.

So yeah.  We're adding a little baby girl to our family in October, and life is pretty dang fantastic.


  1. I'm praying every single day (and sometimes many more than once) for a healthy pregnancy for you and another beautiful tiny baby girl in October! God is good!
