Monday, November 19, 2012

Eden - Ten Months (and one day)

We had to take Eden's 10 month picture today because I wasn't with her yesterday. (tear)  Dustin and I went with some friends to the Texans game (yay!), but I have to say that when Dustin came home a few weeks ago and told me that the game was on November 18th, the very first thing that popped into my head was that I wouldn't be with Eden on one of her little monthly birthdays.  My mom came and spent the day with her instead.  Dustin and I left yesterday morning at 8 and we didn't get home until 7:30 last night.  That is the longest amount of time I have ever spent away from Eden.  I had a great time at the game, but by the time we were on the way home, I was a complete wreck.  I've still only been away from her a handful of times. 

Eden... 10 months...

Well her days of army crawling are long gone.  She's a crawler crawler now.  And I can't help but be a teensy bit sad that my army crawler is gone.  She was SO cute dragging herself around, and I can't believe I'll never see it again! 

Her hair is growing back in slowly but surely.  (She was born with hair and then poof - it all disappeared!)  It's SO CUTE!  There's not much hair, but when I push her in the swing, that inch of hair flies out in the wind, and when she wakes up in the mornings her little hair is sticking straight up.  It cracks me up.

She still pulls up on EVERYTHING, but at least this month she falls down less.

She still has yet to start sleeping through the night.  She's doing better.  But as we get closer and closer to that year mark, I can't help but be a little glad that she's still not sleeping through the night.  When she was first born, those moments when I was feeding her in the middle of the night were my absolute favorite.  The whole world was sleeping except me and her in a dark room cuddled up together.  There's nothing sweeter.  I'm glad that we still have those moments.  It will be really nice when I don't have to get up a few times a night anymore, but I know when that time finally comes, I'll be sad too.

She loves her animals.  I'm not sure how much they love her though.  The dogs get crawled over and hit in the face, and the cats never get to eat in peace anymore.

One thing I DON'T love about this age... the fact that she has to put EVERY LITTLE THING in her mouth!  I have to sweep my floors CONSTANTLY.  I have to be on alert for choking CONSTANTLY.  We'll be having a lovely little afternoon playing on the quilt outside... I take my eyes off of her for three seconds and all of a sudden she's choking on a leaf.  If I had a dollar for every time I've had to stick my finger down her throat to fish something out, I would be a very rich woman. 

As her birthday gets closer and closer, my heart can't help but ache.  But I had a friend tell me just last week, that from here on out, I'll think that Eden can't get any better, any more fun, but then the next day I'll find out I was wrong.  She assured me that it just keeps getting better. 

Is she not the cutest?

1 comment:

  1. I promise ... it does get better and better.
    You will be sad as she outgrows each stage. However, outgrowing one stage only means that she enters a new one. And you will LOVE seeing what each new stage brings to her life and yours.
