Starting this semester, James started going to school on Fridays! It started because I subbed a lot last semester in the pre-school building, and whenever I sub, they always let me bring James, and he goes into the 2 year old class for the day. HE LOVED IT! So on the days that I DIDN'T sub, when we would pull up to the school to drop Ila off, he would FLIP OUT and scream and cry and cry and scream because he wanted to go too! He was SO SAD! On our drive home, he would be sobbing in the backseat and saying, "I go school too! I go school too!" So after Christmas, I signed him up, and he gets to go once a week on Fridays! He's happy to go to school, he loves his little Toy Story backpack and dinosaur lunchbox we got him, and I'm not gonna lie - I'm enjoying my kidless Fridays; it's my one day where I can get a lot done! And then I have Monday through Thursday to enjoy him while Eden and Ila are at school!

I know he loves school because he has FUN of course, but I also think he loves getting to feel "big" and do something that Eden and Ila do.
These days James is talking A LOT! He talks way more than Eden and Ila did at this age. It's constant - from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, he is talking! Mom brag: his vocabulary is HUGE for somebody his age! Like, really!
He is absolutely OBSESSED with Toy Story. It's the only movies he will watch. Anytime we put on a movie that isn't Toy Story 1, 2, 3, or 4, after five minutes, he says, "No! I want watch Buzz Lightyear! Put on Woody!" He will not sit and watch any other movie EVER, but he will sit for the entire hour and a half to watch a Toy Story movie. And when he's not watching the movies, he's playing with his Toy Story toys and asking me to help him put on his Woody and Buzz costumes. I don't think there has ever been a child that has loved Toy Story more!
He is mama's boy through and through. I'm enjoying it because I know as he gets older, he will want to go with his daddy and do boy things with him, so I love it when he comes up to be 100 times every day and says, "I want you, Mama! Pick me up!" And if we are on the couch together watching Toy Story or playing in his room, he stops what he's doing every few minutes and kisses me!
He still has a temper. Man, does he have a temper! It mostly comes out when he feels like he's not getting the attention he needs. When my attention is on Eden and Ila, he does what he has to do to get it back on himself! But at the same time, he loves his sisters SO MUCH! He misses them when they're at school, and he loves when it's time to pick them up!
He is the cutest little boy I've ever seen, and I just love his BIG personality SO DANG MUCH!
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