Wednesday, July 12, 2017

James - One Month Old

James was one month old on July 1st!  And what an amazing, wonderful, magical month it has been! Oh, having a newborn in our house again!  There's nothing like it!

Part of me feels like it just zoomed by!  One month?  Already?  How?  But then when I look back at pictures from the hospital and the beginning of June, it feels like ages ago.  A lifetime ago.  It seems like he's always just been a part of our family.  Hasn't he always snuggled with me in bed in the mornings?  Hasn't he always been asleep in the bassinet by the table while we eat?  Hasn't he always laid on Eden and Ila's beds while I read them books at night?  And when I look at those early pictures, he has grown and changed so much already!

At his 1 month checkup, he weighed 9 lbs. even.  That's more than a two pound gain from his two week checkup!

James didn't get much downtime before he had to start accompanying me to all of his sisters' activities!  Here he is at five days old, headed to gymnastics:

In addition to gymnastics, he spent his first month going with us to horseback riding, Sleeping Beauty Dance Camp, and Vacation Bible School.

But when he wasn't in his carseat on his way to all of those things or laying in my lap in a horse arena, he was in my arms.  OH, newborns.  I can't leave him alone, I have to have him on me at all times.  MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD, ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING EVER OF ALL TIME is to hold a newborn on my chest.  So we also had plenty of days in June where I was all, "Eden and Ila, let's watch Bubble Guppies for five hours straight!" just so we could all lay on the couch together, James asleep on my chest.

Sometimes I have to share him though.  One month in, and Eden and Ila are still head over heels for him!  Eden likes to hold him.  Ila likes to hug and kiss him while I hold him, and as a former pacifier addict, she always makes sure he has his paci.  At the first sounds of fussiness, Ila shouts, "HE NEEDS HIS PACI!  HERE'S ONE!  I HAVE ONE!"  And she comes running with a pacifier and shoves it into his mouth.  Sometimes she tries to shove it into his mouth even when he's perfectly fine and completely asleep.

I taught Eden the pure joy of having him sleep on your chest.

He smiles already.  I KNOW HE DOES, DON'T TELL ME IT'S JUST GAS!  Because he smiles at appropriate times!  There are so many mornings when I take him out of his bassinet and hold him and say, "Good morning, James", and he just breaks into a little lopsided smile.

He pretty much spent his first month sleeping, but here's what we have so far:

likes: bathtime, nursing, being held
dislikes: not being held

haha!  He's a cuddly one.  We've spoiled him rotten, and he wants to be held!

He is handsome and snuggly and perfect.  Happy 1 Month, James!

 left: one day, his sisters thought he needed to be surrounded by all his stuffed animals  
right: day of his two week check-up

 2 weeks old

 He and I spent many afternoons this month sitting in a chair by the pool while his sisters swam.