Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm Cold

So it snowed yesterday.  Which is cool, I guess.  Seeing as it only happens every few years.  It would have been a lot cooler if it would have happened in December.  Then I would have been like over the top excited.  But since it's February, I was just kinda meh.  Because I am SO OVER WINTER!  Seriously, OVER IT!  We're actually HAVING a winter in Texas this year, and it's cold EVERY DAY, and I DON'T LIKE IT!  I don't like it AT ALL!  Every day Dustin comes home from work, and we have this same conversation:

Jenni:  Do you know what I'm over?
Dustin:  Let me guess... winter?

Now usually I'm one of those positive people who, even though winter isn't my favorite, will try to enjoy it anyways and focus on the good stuff associated with it.  But I guess that's because I'm used to MILD winters, and this winter is actually COLD EVERY DAY, and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!  I've worn all my cute sweaters and boots.  I've sat around a fire.  I've drank hot chocolate and have eaten plenty of stew and chili.  I've gone hunting with Dustin.  I've watched movies while being all cozy under blankets.  I'VE DONE ALL THE THINGS!

I am cold.  Have I mentioned that?  I'm cold right now.  Because my house was built in the 1870s and has the suckiest insulation ever, so even when I'm inside with the heater on, I'm cold and have to wear a jacket.  Seriously.  I feel coldness coming in through all my doors and windows.  Also, something really strange is happening.  I go to bed every night wearing socks because, you know, I'm cold.  But I wake up every morning with no socks on, and not only do I have no recollection of taking them off, but I can never find them!  I'M RUNNING OUT OF SOCKS!  WHERE ARE MY SOCKS?  Dustin swears he's not messing with me.  WHAT IS HAPPENING?

I know now that I would NEVER EVER EVER be able to live anywhere more north of where I live now, and I'm actually strongly considering moving even closer to the equator.  And yes, I'm aware that all of my northern-living friends and family think I'm ridiculous right now.  I DON'T CARE!  But really people... how do y'all do it?

Also, I was really pissed off at that stupid groundhog for seeing his stupid shadow.  That bastard.  My ten day forecast depresses me.

So anyways it snowed yesterday.  And even though I was like whatever, it's February, I live in Texas and should be wearing shorts right now, it WAS the first time it's snowed here in Eden's lifetime, so okay, it was kinda special.  When she woke up, I took her outside and was all, "Look Eden, that's snow!"


Yes, I'm aware that that is NOTHING, but that amount of snow actually IS a big deal where I live.

At first she was excited.

naturally, the only picture I took where she's actually looking at the camera and smiling turned out blurry.
But she must take after me because after about five minutes, she was OVER IT as well.  Because her hands got cold from touching the snow.  Because she doesn't own gloves.  And she started saying, "Inside, inside, inside!"  So what's a mom to do when her child is freezing and miserable and wants to go inside?  Duh, take a picture because she is so cute!

We went in right after this, and I put her in a warm bubble bath. 
I'm fantasizing about the day that's it's once again sunny and warm and we spend our days outside.  In the meantime, I'm doing my best to keep Eden entertained inside.  Other than the snow day, she actually doesn't seem to mind the cold and is willing to play outside in it.  But I'm a giant pansy and can't handle it.  I sucked it up and took her to the park a few weeks ago.  I only lasted fifteen minutes before I insisted on leaving.  Fortunately the girl just had Christmas and a birthday so we do have lots of stuff to play with.  And when that gets old, we paint and bake cookies and take bubble baths in the middle of the afternoon.  Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE being a stay at home mom?  I mean of course because I get to be with Eden.  But also a little bit because I can take bubble baths in the middle of a cold afternoon.
And sometimes, we just watch a lot of episodes of Mickey Mouse. 
So Eden can pretty much identify every single animal ever.  She can't necessarily say the names, but the girl can seriously point out every animal.  She can identify everything from a horse and cow and all the farm animals to a rhinoceros and cheetah and all the African animals to a whale and shark and octopus and all the water creatures.  Then she knows random ones like a snow leopard.  I didn't even know a snow leopard was a thing until recently, but Eden can find it in a book for you.  I think it's impressive.  Eden is a late talker and compared to other kids her age, she doesn't talk much, but for whatever reason, she will do any animal noise that you tell her.  My two current favorites are when she hisses like a snake and roars like a dinosaur. 
When I took Eden to her two year checkup, the pediatrician referred us to a cardiologist because of the way Eden's heart murmur sounded.  We've known she's had a heart murmur from the time we were in the hospital when she was born, and I've never worried about it because I know so many people who have heart murmurs who are perfectly fine.  Even though the pediatrician said it was PROBABLY nothing, I couldn't help but be a little worried as we headed to Texas Children's Hospital for them to run a bunch of tests on Eden.  It turns out Eden's heart is completely and perfectly fine... she just has a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY loud, obvious heart murmur according to the cardiologist.  He said it was one of the loudest he's ever heard.  Eden thought the whole thing was great fun because they put "stickers" on her, and she got to watch Mickey Mouse during her ultrasound.
She was pretty dang cute in the hospital gown that she had to wear for the duration of our visit too.
You know, there's nothing like a couple of days spent at Texas Children's Hospital to literally make you fall down on your knees and thank God for your healthy child.
We hosted our annual Super Bowl party on Sunday, and Eden got to spend time with her second cousin, Peyton.  Staying home with me, Eden obviously doesn't get the chance to be around other kids very often.  But on Sunday, she made her very first little friend.  This was the first time that I've ever witnessed Eden actually interact so much with another kid.  Even when we have playdates, Eden is perfectly content just playing NEXT to another kid but not really WITH them.  It's what she's used to, I guess.  But on Sunday, Eden and Peyton were talking to each other and copying each other and chasing each other and running around together and just laughing their heads off, and it made my heart SO HAPPY.  It was precious, and I loved how happy Eden was.
A few more of my favorite iPhone photos from the past few days because I've been too lazy to do much with my nice camera lately...  (I blame winter.)

I love watching Eden while she sleeps.  I love everything about it.  I love the noises she makes.  I love how soft her skin is.  I love how she smells of soap and lavender oil.  There's really nothing sweeter than a sleeping child.

Happy 52nd birthday to my dad yesterday!
Well I'm off to put on another sweatshirt.  Because have I mentioned that I'm cold?

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