Friday, April 19, 2013

Eden - 15 Months

Whose bright idea was it to continue taking monthly pictures of Eden this second year too?

We had quite the struggle this morning to JUST SIT IN THE FREAKING CHAIR!!!  She was so mad at me.  All she wanted to do was run around, and I kept picking her back up and putting her in the chair.  Finally, I just gave up.  As soon as I let her up, she happily ran around for a while, and then...

She climbed into the chair all by herself and let me take a picture.

There's a lesson for me here, I just know it!

Then she practiced her ballerina moves while Max supervised.

So my favorite thing that Eden does at 15 months?  She kisses me!  When I say "Eden, give Mama a kiss", she happily plants her little mouth on my cheek.  And I melt.  Every. Single. Time.

I'm enjoying so much watching her continue to discover the world around her.

I'm constantly amazed (and sometimes scared) at just how smart babies are.  I never really know how much she's taking in since she can't talk to me.  There are objects that I've sat down with her and taught her the name of, so she brings me her Minnie Mouse when I say "mouse", she goes and finds her sippy cup when I say "water", and she flaps her arms up and down and says "fi, fi" when you ask her what a bird does (Granny actually taught her that one).  I love when she catches on to all of these things that we tell her.  But then there are times that she shows me just how much she is soaking up things that I'm not teaching her... like the other day when I saw her pointing the remote at the TV and pushing buttons, trying to get it to turn on, and I'm like, is she seriously doing what I think she's doing?  I hardly EVER even turn the TV on.  That's when I'm kinda scared (in a good way) because I know we need to start being very conscious of what we say and do in front of her.  Last night Max ran into the house before I had given him permission, so I gave him a little hit and said "bad".  Eden marched over to him, started saying "BA, BA" and hit him about five times.  WHOOPS!  It was seriously so cute though that I couldn't help but laugh so hard.  I think Max actually enjoyed the attention.

She keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!

little country girl

1 comment:

  1. I have to share what Jenni told me this morning about my extremely smart granddaughter .... (Jenni if you were going to save this for a separate blog, just delete my comment):

    Two things that I think are adorable and show how bright Eden is.
    First when Eden goes to bed at night, she waves to Dustin and says, "Night Night". She doesn't say goodnight to Jenni, as Jenni is the one who puts her to bed. When on routine, Eden's bedtime is 7:00pm. Last night, however, Eden was tired and at 6:00pm she starts waving to Dustin and telling him "Night Night". Jenni tried telling her it was not yet time for bed, but Eden was so tired, Dustin convinced Jenni to go ahead and put little Eden to bed.
    (While good at the time, this came back to haunt Jenni later, and threw off Jenni's night time routine which then threw off Jenni's morning routine. This is important to the story, because ......)
    The next morning Eden had a check up with her doctor. Jenni's routine was off, so she had not fed the dogs as she normally would. She decided they would have to wait until she returned from the doctor. This fact did not get past Eden. So while Jenni was getting Eden's diaper bag ready, etc. and grabbing her wallet and keys, she notices Eden is feeding the dogs. Eden has taken it upon herself to get the dogs' bowls out, and she got the dog food scoop. Eden places one piece of dog food into the scoop then pours the one piece of food into Max's bowl. Max eats his one piece while Eden goes to get him another. Eden gets one more piece, places it on the scoop and pours the one piece into Max's bowl. I cannot even begin to imagine how cute that must have been. Eden doing her little job, while Max patiently waits by his bowl to eat piece by piece............
