Friday, March 15, 2013

Animals, Animals and More... Animals

Eden had a very good week.  Because Eden loves animals.  And she saw lots of them this week.

First, the local feed store got in their chicks and ducklings.  Oh, so cute.  I've taken Eden up there twice this week for no other reason than to look at the little babies.  Those little ducklings are the cutest thing, and I'm trying to come up with a reason why I need some ducks at my house.

Then on Tuesday, the three of us set off for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.  The weather was gorgeous, and it was pure bliss just walking around, taking in the sights, enjoying the sunshine and chowing down on corn dogs and curly fries and fried oatmeal cream pies.  But the highlight was taking Eden into the petting zoo.  There was a minor setback when a little baby goat literally climbed over her to try and get to the food that Dustin was holding, but we dried her tears, pointed out another animal for her to pet, and she was happy, happy, happy once more.  She even fed a goat out of her hand.

 (I'm pretty sure I need some sheep to go with my ducks!)

Finally on Thursday, Eden and I went to the Houston Zoo with a good friend of mine and her kids.  Eden didn't realllyyy understand what we were trying to point out to her most of the time, but boy did she come alive when we made it to the monkeys and they were playing with balls.  She sat straight up in her stroller.  "Ball!", she kept shouting.  She also took her first carousel ride.

And thus concludes a wonderful week. 

I am also very pleased to announce that Eden has been a really, really good sleeper lately!  Which is really, really good because I was really, really fixing to lose my mind.  Really!  There may have even been some tears (mine).  But God heard my pleas, and He told my child to sleep.  And sleep she has.  She has only been waking once in the night, AND she finally gave in and started taking naps every afternoon... at least an hour, sometimes two hours and once a whopping THREE hour nap!  I almost don't know what to do with myself.

We have a fun weekend ahead of us - a wedding tomorrow and plans with friends on Sunday for St. Patrick's Day.  I'm off to make green cookie dough.  Happy Weekend! 

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