Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eden - Eleven Months

Yesterday morning I had a moment of panic as I was pulling Eden's 11 months onesie out of the drawer.  That drawer that was so full just a few short months ago now has a little 12 months onesie sitting all by itself.  I know this is so unbelievably cliche'... but how did this happen so quickly?  How is my little baby girl going to be a year in just one month? 

I notice her body slimming and lengthening, getting ready to exit babyhood and enter the toddler years.  She's already capable of throwing quite a fit when she doesn't get her way (something I didn't think I had to deal with just quite yet).  I know this is stupid to say also, but she's a little human.  Yes, I know she's always been a human.  But it's just that recently her little personality has blossomed.  She's a tiny little person with a will of her own. 

She initiates games of peek-a-boo with me by holding a blanket over her face and then jerking it down and grinning.  She dances when she hears music (which is the cutest thing in the world).  Even though she's been clapping her little hands together for a while, she's learning when it's appropriate to clap.  I took her with me to watch the school Christmas play the other night.  We were in the very back so that Eden could crawl around and eat cheerios without disturbing everyone, but as soon as the play was over and the audience burst into applause, Eden sat straight up and started clapping along with everyone.  Although she still hasn't taken those first steps, she can stand up from the middle of the floor.  When I put the dog and cat flashcards in front of her, she can point to the right card when I say "cat" or "dog".  She can climb all the way up the stairs and into her room so she can get more toys.  (Don't worry - I am RIGHT behind her, which I think annoys her.)  There's so much more, but those are my favorites.

Two things that haven't changed going into this month - she still puts EVERYTHING into her mouth, and she STILL sucks at sleeping.  I'm so used to no sleep though that I'm not even tired anymore. 

She had a good day yesterday for her 11-month celebration.  I took her to the Children's Museum.  I love, love, LOVE the Children's Museum.  LOVE IT!  It's the second time I've taken Eden to the Tot Spot.  It is SO NICE to have an entire padded room made just for babies to let her roam around in.  I don't have to chase her constantly saying "No, no, no, don't touch that, no, you can't have that."  She can just go explore.  And play with other babies.  My mom got her a membership to the Children's Museum for Christmas, so we will be going back a lot in the next year.

She's turning the light on and off in this box. 

At the top of these padded stairs was a slide.  I think she was a little terrified the first time I pushed her down it, but after that she happily went down about five more times.

My little girl wants me now, so until next time...

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