Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here's to Summertime

Even though it's blasted hot here in Texas weeks before Memorial Day (and even though I know summer doesn't technically start until later in June), Memorial Day always seems to signify the official beginning of summer for me. Yesterday we had some friends over for a relaxing day. Dustin cooked lots of delicious food...

Eden went swimming in her little pool for the first time (she didn't know what to think).

and was just all-around adorable.

favorite picture alert!

It was a very good day!

I'm doubly excited about this coming summer because last year I didn't really get one. I was in my first trimester of pregnancy, annnnndddd I was pretty much sick 24/7. I spent three months sleeping and doing everything I could to avoid the heat. So I'm going to make sure that THIS summer pretty much rocks.

In other news...

I'm excited to announce that Eden actually smiles and laughs now during tummy time instead of screaming bloody murder the second I set her down!

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