Monday, March 12, 2012

A Day in the Life of Eden

Eden at 7 weeks.

When people see Eden, they comment on how much she has changed/grown/filled out since the last time they have seen her.  But up until now, I've never noticed it.  (By the way, I will never tell a new mom how much her baby is changing and growing ever again!  Now that I'm a mom, I realize that I might as well be stabbing her in the heart!)  Since I obviously see Eden every single day, I never noticed the changes.  She felt the same weight when I held her, and when she looked at me, I saw the same face that looked at me the day she was born.  The changes were so slight that by seeing her every day, I didn't notice them.  Does that make sense?

But recently, she's growing so fast that I can't help but notice too!  She suddenly feels heavy when I hold her.  She's outgrowing clothes.  Her cheeks are getting chubby.  She doesn't quite fit on my chest like she used to.

All good things I know... But I can't help but feel a little frantic.  They just get big too damn fast!


  • Eden smiles like crazy these days.  And it's pretty much always the best thing I've ever seen.  I keep trying to capture a smile on camera, but I just can't seem to get the timing down!  The next two pictures are the closest I've gotten... And while I think these pictures are absolutely ADORABLE, they don't do justice to her actual big ol' grin!  I like to say, "Smile if you love mommy!"  And she breaks into a grin, and it melts my heart even though I know she has no idea what I said!

  • We had our first successful bath this past Thursday.  There were no tears!  Yay!

  • Dustin was gone with Harold this past weekend, so it was just me and Eden.  It was cold and stormy all weekend so we stayed snuggled up inside for 2 days straight.  I loved it.

  • This whole daylight savings thing really messed us up!  Eden was waking up only two times every night, but last night she woke up every two hours!  Let's hope that gets fixed and soon!

  • She might also be driving me slightly crazy by insisting on eating every one to two hours during the day.  

This is what a typical day with Eden is like at 7 weeks old:

She somehow always manages to sense when Dustin's alarm is going to go off, so she likes to wake us up about 15 minutes before that!  I don't know how she does it!  Dustin had to get to work early one morning, so his alarm was set earlier than usual, and she still managed to know and wake us up beforehand!  So I get her out of her bassinet, and I feed her, but instead of putting her back in the bassinet I let her snuggle up to me in bed.  I don't like letting her sleep in the bed when Dustin's there because it scares me, but once he's up for work, Eden and I sleep in for a little bit longer.  Not as long as I would like though!  Around 7:30 I start getting punched in the face and kicked in the stomach.  And I beg her to go back to sleep, but she's a stubborn little thing, so up we get!  I change her diaper, and then it's time for her "exercises" as I call it!  Tummy time!  I put her on a blanket on the floor in her room, and she exercises while I make the bed and straighten things up upstairs.

Tummy time starts out good.  She's happy and kicking and cooing, and she always comes soooo close to turning over.  But then she starts to get really, really MAD that she cannot turn over, and by the end of tummy time she is screaming!  So I turn her over, and then she's perfectly happy again laying on her back kicking and cooing!

Her exercises completely wear her out, so when we come downstairs, I put her in her nap nanny, and she sleeps while I do some other stuff around the house.  She usually wakes up a little before lunch, and I feed her so that she's nice and happy during lunchtime so that I can eat!  Dustin usually comes home for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Here's Eden and Daddy during lunchtime today.

Such a big girl!

We do all kinds of fun things in the afternoon.  I read to her while she sits in her boppy, she plays on her playmat, she swings (but she only seems to like her swing if she goes really fast).  Her wrist rattles are still too big for her wrists, so I put them on her ankles, and that seems to highly entertain her!  And if it's nice and warm and pretty outside, I take her outside for a little while.

And then she usually falls back asleep somewhere in the middle of the afternoon.

When I was pregnant, people kept telling me that babies always know when you're fixing to eat dinner and that's when they cry.  And I was kinda just like ya, ya, that's cute, whatever.  But no, IT'S SO TRUE!  I don't know how she does it!  But when I go to make my plate for dinner in the evenings, that's when she always wakes up and cries!  It's amazing!  So I put my plate aside, and it gets cold while she gets her dinner!  She's lucky she's so cute! ;)

Then Dustin and I take turns holding her while we watch our TV shows, and then it's bedtime for baby.  I put her little pjs back on her, she gets her vitamin drops, sometimes I read her another book, and I usually try and have her down in her bassinet around 9ish.  She falls asleep like a pro too!

And that's a day in the life of Eden Everly.  And I LOVE IT!  I wouldn't want to spend MY days any other way!

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