Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday Favorites

On Sunday, we went to Katy to see The Incredibles 2.  I am a HUGE Disney Pixar nerd, and I LOVED this movie!  So did everybody else.  Eden and Ila have started calling James "Jack-Jack" now.

After the movie, we went to the trampoline park.  We paid for an hour.  Ila ran all over the place doing all kinds of different things, and Eden did the trapeze over and over and over again for an hour straight.

We ate at Babin's, and I took this picture outside of the restaurant.

James was doing his best to wriggle out of their arms and off of the bench, but they held on!

Eden had her 6 year check-up, and James had his 1 year check-up on Tuesday.

They are healthy, healthy, healthy!

We went to Splashway yesterday with my mom!  I think it was the best day of James's little life!

And the girls have been sleeping together on a pallet in the living room this summer.  I told them they can sleep there until school starts.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday Favorites

Last Saturday, we gave Eden's room a mini makeover.  We made some changes now that she's six and "big", as she keeps telling us.  We cleared out some of the more baby-ish things to make room for "big girl" things.  The biggest being that we moved the giant dollhouse out of her room and into Ila's, and Dustin hung a reading tent in that space.

A cut flower shop opened up in our tiny town, and I'm so excited!  I love having fresh flowers in my house!  On Saturday afternoon, the kids and I went and paid our first visit.  The girls picked out flowers for their rooms, for me, and for Granny.  I took this picture of them before we left, and this is one of my FAVORITE pictures of them EVER!

Sunday was Father's Day.

We also released our butterflies that day.  We did the kit where you send off for caterpillars, watch them grow, watch them make their cocoon, watch them emerge as butterflies... We had three butterflies - Snow, Flower, and Cutie.

Byyeeee butterflies!

Eden also had Vacation Bible School every morning this week.

It was a rainy, rainy, rainy week.  Fortunately, our gymnastics place hosted an open gym on Wednesday afternoon, so Eden and Ila were able to spend an hour and half running around getting some energy out!

This adorable little monster (Eden and Ila love calling him a monster!) spends his days destroying my house!

This evening, Eden and Ila are having a sleepover at my dad and Susie's.  After we dropped them off, James drove us home.